Sunday, June 11, 2017

Read this, you curious cunt!

Let's talk about the word cunt.

Firstly, let's dispel something right now. The word cunt is NOT automatically misogynistic. The word cunt is not reserved for women. Personally, I rarely use the word when referring to women for that very reason. Can a woman be a cunt? Sure! Anyone can be a cunt. You could be a cunt right now while reading this. Hell, I'm a cunt sometimes.

Wikipedia defines cunt as follows:

Cunt /หˆkสŒnt/ is a vulgar word for the vulva or vagina and is also used as a term of disparagement. Reflecting different national usages, cunt is described as "an unpleasant or stupid person" in the Compact Oxford English Dictionary, whereas Merriam-Webster states that it is a "usually disparaging and obscene" term for a woman or an "offensive way to refer to a woman" in the United States.

The key here is “in the United States”. Only Americans restrict the use of this word to women. To me, that's more misogynistic than the use of the word. Are pussies only women? Are dicks only men?

Wikipedia goes on to say:

The Macquarie Dictionary of Australian English gives "a contemptible person". When used with a positive qualifier (good, funny, clever, etc.) in Britain, New Zealand, and Australia, it can convey a positive sense of the object or person referred to.

So, in other English speaking countries the word cunt is not only not exclusive to women but it's also used as a positive sometimes. E.g. - “Nice one, you cheeky cunt!” would not be insulting to an Aussie or a Brit.

I don't know why the United States has decided that cunt is such a horrible word while having absolutely zero issue with the word pussy. I can say pussy all day. I can call men pussies, I can call women pussies, I can call children and animals pussies; No one bats an eye. I call a man a silly cunt and everyone loses their minds. It's ridiculous.

My twitter account was limited earlier for calling Piers Morgan, a British man, a cunt. In his own tongue that's barely offensive. Meanwhile, users call me every slur there is and constantly bombard me with obscene photographs of black people and terrorism victims with impunity. If the word cunt is more offensive to you than the word nigger or a picture of a woman that was torn in half by a truck driven by a terrorist then, guess what?

You're a dumb cunt.

I'm going to continue to use the word cunt liberally. It's a good, strong word with a myriad of uses. It's not just convenient to use but also fun to say! Cunt just rolls off of the tongue.


Thanks for reading and have a fantastic Sunday, you wonderful, wonderful cunts!

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