Friday, December 8, 2017

Dozy or Deza? Part 2

Welcome to the second installment of "Dozy or Deza?". The more that I've written the more I've realized that this isn't going to be something that I can wrap up neatly in two posts. This is going to be a series just for the amount of data that I have to unpack there's absolutely no way. Hopefully I can do it in three. Probably I'll be writing about it for weeks. Either way is fine by me, honestly. Whatever it takes to get this information sorted and disseminated.

Let's kick off this second installment with an obvious display of crazy!

Mensch and crew have been attacking Sarah Kendzior and Andrea Chalupa for quite sometime and I was really curious as to why. Both of them have been labeled Putin trolls/Kremlin trolls/Russian assets/etc for a while by the Scooby Gang.

But, again, why? Let's look, shall we?

This seems to be the moment that Sarah Kendzior became a Russian asset. How'd she do that? Well, it could be that she and Malcolm Nance get invited to MSNBC when Louise doesn't, as Mensch seems to be FIERCELY jealous of both of them, or it could be that she defended someone else from Louise Mensch's baseless accusations.

Note that Louise knows that Casey Michel is a Russian agent working for a Russian front but doesn't even know that he's a he and hasn't read the article that she is attacking. Again, where are those USIC/NSA contacts? Can't she just tag the FBI into the thread for confirmation? Btw, just scanning Intersection's TL tells me that they're not pumping pro-putin propaganda. It could be argued that this doesn't disqualify them, Putin loves to play both sides, but they're definitely not overtly pro-Putin.

As for Casey...

Casey totally looks like a Russian agent to me, bro.

What about Andrea Chalupa? What did Andrea do to be labeled a Russian asset by the Scooby Gang? Well, it's real complicated and might take a while to explain...


She liked a tweet. That's all it takes for you, and your followers, to be blocklisted, labeled as Russian trolls, mercilessly harassed, and mass reported. Once you're on one of their "lists" you'll find no shortage of people to accuse you of outlandish shit to the raucous applause of Team Patriot. I mean, what even is this?

What is "stenographic espionage"? Well, it's not a thing. Stenography is the practice of concealing data within other data. So she's saying that Robin Brenizer is an actual spy using cryptography over twitter? And she's being investigated by the government... But she's still just chilling on twitter doing her resistance thing... Which is a front for her FSB thing...

Don't worry, though, because we're all in the same boat.

Without even trying to unpack the crazy in that second tweet, how does she know who's being investigated for espionage? Is the FBI just leaking information on open investigations to random civilians now? If I DM the FBI will they give me that info? Who is her contact? I especially like that she tagged the NSA in. They probably had no idea that Robin was a "stenographic spy" until this cat lady @ed them. Take note, everyone - if you have ever used the hashtag #BlockedByChiefCovfefe Mueller is coming for you.

It seems that a lot of this information has come from Chris Nethery, a man who thinks I too am a Russian spy. I'm in good company, however, because he also thinks Jay-Z, Beyonce, Tupac, and Carl Sagan were/are also Russian assets and that's not even half of the list.

Go Team Vladimir!

Their harassment of Robin, AKA Puppymnkey, has been ongoing, vicious, and extremely personal. Which I thought was really strange as she's always been nice to everyone I've seen her interact with. While none of the tweeters I talk to are Jesus, nobody is perfect, she's certainly never harassed me and I haven't witnessed her harassing anyone. Remember though, to Team Patriot harassment = Telling people the truth about them and what they're doing.

Here's Baba Yaga, Mensch's racist little crony that likes to say the n word every chance he gets and then deny that tweets you can see actually exist, threatening Robin's followers while Louise cheers him on because Menschites love to push that guilt by association.

And just for fun here's a ss of Chris Nethery using Robin's photo as his twitter profile pic to troll her. 

Why? Well, because she knew something that most of us have figured out already - That Claude Taylor is absolutely full of shit.

Full of shit in March -

Full of shit in May -

Full of shit in November -

Meanwhile, people that think he's really got information are paying for him to cruise around in a cartoon van. Seems legit. Oh, and look at that - He's asking for money again.

Here are some other examples of Team Pillowfort's harassment.

Here she is calling @Iamwood79's wife a fat Russian mail order bride.

A - That ain't his wife.

B - That's pretty fucked up for whoever that is she's talking about.

Here's some more great examples of Louise and the Team Pillowfort crew harassing Wooderson and claiming that he is harassing them.

His wife's name isn't Cara. More failure from Louise's many USIC sources?

And let's not forget Broadsword6, a close ally of Mensch, member of "Team Patriot", and stealer of valor, regarding Woody's wife. 

Here she is actively inciting the harassment of two other users; Eric Rosenwald, a journalist from Arizona that exposed Broadsword6 as a liar, and Lard of Dorkness, an account I'm not familiar with but which seems to be just your everyday anti-Trump twitter user.

Here's one of her cronies posting a whole list of users that they intend to harass. They like to connect people that aren't connected, the guilt by association play again, so that they can claim one act is really the act of a group. I.E. if I dox someone and you follow me then you are part of a group that doxxes people. Even if you had nothing to do with it and had no knowledge of the actual event. Thus making you fair game for harassment and mass reporting. No one is an individual actor. Everyone is part of a shadowy Russian funded group that is out to get "Team Patriot".

Most of those people are solid follows, btw.

But that's exactly what a Russian spy would tell you.

And I have to be a Russian spy because I'm questioning #TeamPatriot, eh?

Team Patriot likes to pretend that they're under attack while they are actually the ones doing the attacking. That's why there are receipts of their harassment but not of them being harassed. It fuels their spy game rhetoric to play like people are constantly after them for "speaking the truth" even though they aren't and they don't.

It's my opinion that Louise and her group are grifters, plain and simple, and anyone that they attack should be viewed as an ally.  This whole thing is about splitting the resistance, grabbing as much cash as they can, and doing the bidding of the right. They're making this shit up as they go along, citing anonymous military and intelligence sources that they couldn't possibly have access to, and they've managed to dupe a lot of good people doing it. In reality though, they're all just playing at spies.

I've worked with SOF. Not in any big way, I was just a grunt, but they were around. You know what they tell you when you ask them questions about sensitive shit while you're in uniform and working together? Nothing. Obviously. They look at you like you're stupid for asking and continue doing what they're doing. That's why we call them the quiet professionals. They're not running to twitter to blab to Louise fucking Mensch and her cartoon spy gang.

I've said this corny shit before because it's true - we really are stronger together. Why else would they be trying so very hard to divide us? My hope is that laying all this out in order and in plain English will help some people see the light.

So this was supposed to be part two of two but, dude, there is so much of this shit that I need to do another post. Maybe even another after that. Honestly, I could write a fucking book with what I have right now and more keeps rolling in. The information that was shared recently by @Fraude1, for example, regarding Counterchekist being a veteran that served 13 (or is it 15?) years in the Army and somehow managed to get stabbed.  

The only guy I ever saw get stabbed in the Army was stabbed by accident by another soldier and I was in the infantry for 7 years. It's not like we're fixing bayonets these days. Then again, I wasn't secret military intelligence special forces.


Join me again tomorrow for part 3 of "Dozy or Deza?".

- Soos


  1. You are doing a tremendous job, Heysoos, in exposing all the ridiculous and vicious lengths Louise Mensch will go to in the attempt to discredit ANYONE who disagrees with her. The ground is constantly shifting for her and her cronies drop like flies, so its important to watch for the ever changing moods of the Louise Dictatorship. Anyone who gets close to her risks being severely burned. I am strongly of the belief that Louise is still being paid by Murdoch and-or the Mercers to muddy the field with tactical chaos game playing to keep individuals from forming a strong, unified, collective opposition to the raping of our laws and integrity as a country by the current disastrous Trump administration. For more information on Game Theory, I recommend to all that they read Wikipedia's entry on John Nash's contributions to Game Theory. Mensch insanity is based on being a provacateur and keeping people from seeking verifiable information. The mechanism of deployment is via Twitter and a captive audience that prefers its politics presented in gold wrap and a red ribbon - convenient. I encourage everyone to keep reading outside news as I encourage you to keep writing, Heysoos. These are archives in the making. P.S. I am absolutely incensed that Louise attacked Gracie and I will do all I can to bring attention to her mistreatment as Gracie tirelessly advocates for persons with special needs. As I understand it, Mensch very vocally and shamelessly attacked her without merit, leaving her utterly terrified. The reckoning is coming, Louise Mensch.

    1. Thank you.

      I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said and I just want to add that tomorrow's post is absolutely related to Louise's long love affair with Rupert Murdoch. I also think he's signing her paychecks.

  2. Thank you for doing this as it is shedding light for those of us who are late to the party. I am your average anti-Trump Twitter user and in NO WAY do I ever want to get involved in this mess. Thanks to you I will be aware of what to look out for and stay away from. I just want to commiserate and rally with others until Trump is gone. All this LM crap is disturbing and I would never have put all the pieces together if not for your blog. Keep writing to keep us safe!
