Sunday, March 19, 2017

A war is coming, and soon - Version 2.0.

I've written about this before with the hope of being wrong. And I was. Unfortunately, I don't think I was wrong about the war, only the target, and I fear it's still coming. It's just looking like Trump will attack North Korea, instead.

Makes a lot of sense, really. 

Iran, my previously suspected target, is a Russian ally. My reasoning was that Putin doesn't give a fuck. I firmly believe that he'd feed us Iran if it made us happy so that he could concentrate on his own European aspirations as long as we made some deals regarding the distribution of oil. Since he has a puppet in the White House that wouldn't really be much of an issue. 

North Korea, however, is looking like a better target. I'm already seeing Trumpkins on twitter urging military action against North Korea for “bullying the US” and “building weapons of mass destruction”. Gee whiz, it all sounds so familiar.

Nevermind that Kim Jong Un isn't really a threat. Trump needs a boost to those approval ratings. The kind of boost that only military action can bring. A war turns nationalism into patriotism, paranoia into prudence, dissent into disloyalty. “You're either with us or against us!”, they'll cry.

People need to wake up to the danger that is Trump's administration. They are a desperate and flailing bunch that will do anything to succeed up to, and including, throwing the country under the bus. Our fate lies in the hands of folks like Mattis and McMaster - potential voices of reason within the administration that could steer Trump away from war. 

It's something to hope for in a time seemingly without hope.

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