Saturday, April 8, 2017

Trump - Conning the media again.

Wow, that Syria distraction sure was effective.

Call Putin and warn him. Putin warns Assad. They clear the airfield, let the Tomahawks make some noise and move some dirt around, and get back to work on their still completely functional runway.

The most obvious of political pantomimes.


And this is the real story. North Korea is looking like a likely target more and more. Trump wants to start a war to save his presidency. He's going to use it to consolidate his power. "We don't have time to investigate this Russia nonsense!" They'll say, "We're at war!".

And North Korea is playing right into it.

"North Korea says a US missile strike on Syria "proves a million times over" that it was right to strengthen its nuclear programme, state media report."

North Korea has WMDs and it's dictator is breaking our sanctions. We have to act, they say, before he starts randomly shooting off missiles at other sovereign nations. How do you do this the day after firing 59 missiles at another sovereign nation with a straight face? Missiles that he fired, by the way, while he was meeting with the Chinese President. He told him that shit at dinner. I'm sure that's just a coincidence, though.

So instead of sitting down at the table with North Korea, which is really all that lil' Kim wants from us, we are going to attack them. Trump has drawn the line for China, his aggression towards North Korea is evident, his forces are moving into place, and he is exactly the kind of nutcase that would start a war to save a presidency.

And the media will fall for it. Just as those "beautiful" missiles distracted idiot talking heads with bright lights and loud noises so too will this impending North Korean conflict. They'll forget all about Russia and go into 24 hour news war mode. We'll all be far too busy watching night vision videos of rockets bursting in air to worry about the Russians' compromising our entire government. We need to be keeping our eyes on the ball and they're going to be distracting us with shiny things. These are the times that CNN and their ilk are bad for America.

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