Monday, October 23, 2017

White Genocide Week - Day One!

Happy White Genocide Week!

I've designated this week WHITE GENOCIDE WEEK! in honor of the false and dangerous narrative being pushed anew by white supremacists on twitter and beyond.

I've written about white genocide previously. Without revisiting the entire piece, white genocide is a conspiracy theory created by a far right criminal that died in prison. Alan Berg, his victim, was a radio talk show host in Denver.

Berg’s slaying marked an early signpost on the road that led to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, said Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala.
 “In a sense, it was one of the opening shots of a truly revolutionary radical right,” he said, “perfectly willing to countenance the mass murder of American civilians for their cause.”
                                                                          Source - 

Ignoring the fact that it was popularized, if not wholly invented, by a career thug, a racist redneck remnant of good old all American hatred, that died in prison,  (No, Bob Whitaker didn't invent white genocide. He was just the last famous guy that screamed about it. Thankfully, he's dead too. Not before he endorsed Trump for president, though! Oh, and then turned against him because he wasn't racist enough.), white genocide hinges on one simple idea: That the US's increase of brown immigration and breeding, and the lack of white immigration and breeding, is a deliberate and malicious act. That it is a master plan of THE JEWS! to minimize "white culture" and destroy the "white race". 

But what is "white culture"?

What is the "white race"?

"White culture" makes even less sense. Modern American culture, whether you like it or not, is multicultural. Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis, Maya Angelou, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Chuck Berry, Countee Cullen, Ella Fitzgerald, Frederick Douglass, Buddy guy, W.C. Handy... Are these not purveyors of American culture? Are Crispus Attucks and Freddie Stowers not American heroes? Is Spike Lee not an American director? Is Sam Gilliam not an American artist? Was George Washington Carver (who did NOT invent peanut butter) not an American inventor? American culture is not now, nor has it ever been, "white culture". 

A few hundred years ago, the whole "white race" thing didn't even exist. The idea came about right about the same time as the race based slavery. This is, to separate themselves from the people that they were murdering, raping, and enslaving, light skinned Europeans began to call themselves the white race. Why? Well, because it's a lot easier to whip a man as though he's a dog when you pretend that he is one. 

Additionally, the United States is not now, nor has it ever been, a "white" country. The first African recorded to set foot on this land did so in 1513. Too bad that he never found that fountain of youth or he'd be around today to tell you all about it. Also, I'm not sure if you are aware, but there were actually people here already when the settlers showed up. 

Spoiler alert: They weren't white!

Why write about this? Because they want me dead. Because I AM white genocide. Because my kids deserve to grow up without fear. So do yours. 

So, that's day one of WHITE GENOCIDE WEEK! 

Here are some interesting pieces from around the web on the false white genocide narrative to get you going and I'll see you tomorrow where we will discuss who stays, who goes, and who dies.

Happy Monday!

- Soos

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