Tuesday, October 24, 2017

White Genocide Week - Day Two!

Who stays, who goes, and who dies?


Welcome to day two! Today, I'd like to look at some things that I think we're all wondering about white nationalists. Who do they want to stay on their new all white American ethno-state? Who do they want to leave? And, of course, who are they going to have to kill?

Who stays?

So, we're making an America for the white folks. Who is white? Is it everyone with pale skin? If so, do white Hispanics get to stay? What about mixed people that are really light skinned? Or are we going by the "one drop" rule? I'm pretty sure that's just for black people, though. Does the one drop rule apply to people of Asian, Hispanic, or Arab ancestry? What about people that have Jewish blood? One drop or only if they're actually Jewish? Or are Jewish people ok because they're white?

So many questions. I've tried asking on Twitter but I can't get straight answers. One person told me that white people were everyone that I'd call racist for fighting their own genocide. So that's no one. All the big white nationalists have, thus far, ignored all my questions. Unfortunately, that means I'm going to have to speculate.

Let's assume that only the purist whites get to stay.

Per the census bureau, 316,515,021 people live in the United States as of 2015. 307,067,138 of those people claim to be one race, only. That's 9,467,883 people genocided right off the top and we haven't even gotten started yet.

That remaining 307,067,138 breaks down like this:

- 39,908,095 are black.
- 2,569,170 are native American.
- 16,235,305 are Asian.
- 546,255 are native hawaiian or other pacific islanders.
- 14,865,258 are "some other race".

So genociding all those folks (Are we clearing Hawaii too or nah?) leaves you with 232,943,055 white people.

But wait! There are 35,684,777 white Hispanic folks also! That brings the number of remaining white people to 197,238,278. The number to be genocided?


Mao couldn't even put up those numbers. And that's before we even get into which white people get to stay. 33.3 million Americans claim Irish ancestry, 50 million German, 15.7 million Italian, and 1.3-3 million Greek, depending on who you ask. What's another 100,000,000 though?

Saying nothing of Americans of Arabic or Jewish ancestry. They're considered white by the census bureau, by the way, so maybe the white nationalists have a system for identifying them.

Who goes?

Not simply a question of the opposite of who stays, at all. Sure, many people may flee this potential genocide. Many have already fled as Trump has become more and more vocal about his hatred of minorities in general. Surely, more will follow. But will they follow in significant numbers? 

From 1933 until 1941, when the Nazis made emigration illegal for Jews,the Jewish population of Germany shrank from 523,000 to around 163,000. The main rush came, unsurprisingly in 1938, Jews in large numbers fled both Germany and now annexed Austria. The resulting refugee crisis was met with indifference from the rest of the world. 

Eight years. From 523,000 to 163,000. So 31% of German Jews remained in Germany despite the Nazis clear hatred of them. 31% of 119,276,743 is 36,975,790. So even if the "soft genocide" that Richard Spencer is pushing were to be at least as successful as the Nazis not at all soft genocide there would still be 37 million people left in this country that would need to be "hard genocided", if you will. 

Additionally, there are 18.8 million veterans in the United States as of 2015. Roughly 20% of which are not white.

Which brings us neatly to...

Who dies?

Well, it's either this - The 37 million Americans that decide to stay and fight the neo-fascists or it's the neo-fascists themselves. I'd like to believe that the remaining 197,238,278 white people in America (assuming the Irish, German, Italian, Greek, Arab, and Jewish whites are spared) would not be keen on such a vast and brutal genocide. In 1940, in Nazi Germany, about 9 percent of German adults belonged to the party. 9 percent of the remaining US population after this soft genocide would then be 17,751,445. Roughly nineteen million less than the minority population that didn't leave. A minority population hardened by systematic, open, blatant, vicious oppression, and persecution.

Better pump up those numbers, Pepe. You ain't gonna make it.

That's it for day two of WHITE GENOCIDE WEEK! here on Fear and Loathing in The White House! Thanks for reading and stay tuned for tomorrow's post - WHITE GENOCIDE WEEK! - Day Three! - Odin's day! The Link Between Odinism and White Supremacy.

Happy Tuesday!

- Soos

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