Sunday, May 14, 2017

Blogging amidst this madness.

I'll be honest; I can't keep up.

If the goal of the Trump regime is to confuse and fatigue spectators into silence then it may well be working. At least on me.

I'm learning so much about our political system each day, which is nice, but the lesson I keep learning is that the president can pretty much do whatever the fuck he wants. I bet Obama is kicking himself for being so conservative with his use of power. Trump gives zero fucks about ethics, optics, conflicts, politics... It's like we made the Joker the president. He's a dog chasing cars. He just does things.

But is there light at the end of this dank, dark tunnel? Lots of people say yes. The rumors rumbling through the twittersphere, and elsewhere, whisper "Grand jury" or "Sealed indictment" urgently. I want to believe... But I've been hurt before.

All the while, the tweets! The tweets!

It's a fitting future, really. That we would have a Nixonian scandal live tweeted from a dark corner somewhere in the White House.

"Where's the president?"

"I don't know. He gave me the slip again. Is he in Ivanka's room?"

"Negative. He's tweeting. HE'S TWEETING!"

"All agents, be advised. We have a Code Brown on Tweety Bird! I say again, Code Brown! Check all the bathrooms and closets! This is not a drill!"

It'd be a whole lot funnier if it wasn't a thing that probably has happened and does happen. This fucking guy is an embarrassment. An absolute disgrace.

1 comment:

  1. "Code Brown on The Tweety Bird." I will never look at a WB cartoon again in the same way.

    I think you're correct in this and in another sense that the POTUS has too much power. This POTUS has too much power because he is batshit crazy and serves self over country. But we also see that Congress has over a period of years abdicated too much of its power to the POTUS by not carefully considering the slippery slope of granting executive order powers. Additionally, we have learned that our candidate selection process is not set up adequately to conduct mental health or criminal investigations on potential candidates. Donald Trump: the teaching moment that keeps on teaching.
