Sunday, December 10, 2017

Dozy or Deza? Part 4

Hey there!

So, this is the fourth, and hopefully final, installment of "Dozy or Deza?". In part three I laid out for you Mensch's associations with the right wing, namely Rupert Murdoch and her obvious and vocal disdain for the left in general. Today, I'd like to talk about the associations of her associates. It's a lot of review, I covered some of these guys in parts one and two, but I think it's important and I think you'll agree. Remember, guilt by association is the name of the game. Right?


First up, let's talk about her buddy, her pal, her "Mr. President" - Chief "BadDude" Covfefe and his infamous blocklist. Here's a pretty good rundown of it from @Fraude_1. Another solid follow, btw. I don't know him, but his information has been accurate so far. He's about 1000 times more credible than anyone on Team Pillowforts. I'll just hit the main plot points:

Boy meets girl. Boy tells girl about blocklists and how they're being used to silence opposing voices. Boy then creates blocklist. Boy says it's only for Trump supporters. Boy is proven a liar. Boy hides blocklist. Boy gets caught. Boy takes down blocklist. Boy refuses to discuss blocklist. Boy then says anyone that tells anyone else that they're on the blocklist is harassing him. 
Because telling people that you were put on a blocklist by Team Pillowforts is targeted harassment. But don't take my word for it. Here he is threatening everyone that used the hashtag #BlockedByChiefCovfefe, #BlockedByChief, or any variation of it. On his pinned tweet.

It's absolutely unbelievable to me that they think this is going to fly. I guess when you model yourselves on cartoon characters you start to feel like you can get away with everything. What's worse? People are actually buying it.

So, to recap, the blocklist was set up to make "FauxResistors" mad enough to use the hashtag #BlockedByChiefCovfefe against #TeamPatriot so that law enforcement and US intelligence could observe and record the people that used the hashtag. It's fucking genius.

As of a week ago, when he took it down, the blocklist contained 633,399 accounts and only about a third of them were actually Trump supporters. I was on it, and I don't know how much farther from a Trump supporter you can get. Also, I'm not Russian. I'm honestly not sure if I've ever even met a Russian in my life. I do have lots of Ukrainian fans, though. Or just one really devoted one (Hey you!). Now, the people that used his blocklist have been left to manually unblock 633,399 accounts which, in case you're wondering, is a huge pain in the ass. Which is why you should never allow someone else to control any part of your social media. Especially who you see. Oh, and this isn't even his only blocklist. It's just his largest. The other one known to me contained another 100,000+ accounts.

And what do you find when you run through the tweets on the #BlockedByChiefCovfefe hashtag? Resistance accounts. Some of the people tweeting literally sound like they're emerging from a cave and seeing the sunlight for the first time. "Wow... I never knew I was blocking so many resistance accounts!" they say. "Why were you on the blocklist?! You're not a troll or a Russian or anything!". 

As for Chief Covfefe himself... Well, who cares? In my opinion, he's just another guy on twitter that wants to be internet famous and doesn't care how he achieves it. He's fairly inconsequential, save for his ridiculous blocklist and association with Mensch, and he doesn't make wild claims about who he is or what he's done that make me want to dig into him personally. Unlike some people.

Which brings me conveniently to subject two - Mr. Feathers himself, Counterchekist

This again leads me to plug the work of @Fraude_1. Haters will say we're in the same unit at KGB. His rundown on this is really concise and, so far, seems to have gone unanswered. Shocking. Here's the link and here it is unrolled for your viewing pleasure. Really, here's what I wanted to say about it: 

A - I've NEVER seen or heard a fellow veteran misstate their time in service and especially not by two years. He said he was in for 13 years in one conversation and 15 years in another? Nah.

B - He claimed to have been blown up, shot, and stabbed while he was in. I call bullshit. This really sounds like the kind of thing a civilian says to sound like they were in the military. It's not like every soldier gets shot and, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, the only one I've seen get stabbed got stabbed by accident. By one of his buddies. Inside the wire. So. Nah.

C - Dude says he's actually seen the pee pee tape(s). Come on, man. Hell nah.

My opinion? Stolen valor. Playing at spies. Lying to people online. Fraudulent as all fuck. Credibility rating - 0. And this is why people dox them. If you're claiming that you have information like that then you'd better be prepared to back it up. They aren't. Ever. If you question them they block you, smear you as a Russian harasser or troll, and get everyone they can find to destroy your credibility so that they can continue to lie to their followers.

Who else we got?

There's Claude, who we've already established is wrong all the time. Which doesn't stop him from constantly asking people for money. (Also, if y'all wanna buy people custom vehicles from TV, I'll take an A-team van. I've always wanted one and I didn't realize that you could just make people on the internet buy you stuff in exchange for bullshit).

The most disturbing thing about Claude is that he's been pushing Chris Suprun to his followers and, to put it bluntly, Chris Suprun is a piece of shit. He's not a liberal, he's not on our side, and he's racist as all fucking fuck.

Isn't it strange that Team Patriot is pushing a racist Republican candidate running deceptively as a Democrat? And remember, we don't do coincidences. Everything is guilt by association in Mensch's world.

Also -

Broadsword Six - Stolen valor and harassment. He was called out by lots of people before his account was suspended including Eric Rosenwald who, if you remember from earlier, was one of Louise's targets for harassment. Eric wrote about it here and you should definitely read it.

Baba Yaga - Racist and liar. Props to @Fraude_1 yet again for being on the ball. Seriously, go to his TL and you can read all this shit laid out perfectly for you. The only defense that Team Pillowforts had was "It's photoshop!" but it's not fucking photoshop, guys. 

But remember, Louise hates Trump because he's racist, right?


I'm tired of these assholes. I resent that I had to write all this bullshit down. We're at a point in US history that will be remembered by our children. We are in a fight for the heart and soul of this country. Meanwhile, these fucking assholes, posing as PATRIOTS, are deliberately and systematically undermining the efforts of real patriots to further the goals of the richest, sickest, most disgusting people imaginable. They flank us, basically, and we need to be mindful of their tactics for the future. 

2020 is going to be a motherfucking bloodbath. We WILL overcome. First, however, we need to get our shit together. Get it all together and put it in a back pack, all our shit, so it's together. And if we gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know, take it to the shit store and sell it, or put it in the shit museum. I don't care what we do, we just gotta get it together.
We need to get our shit together.

That's it. Fuck this, I'm done. I'm gonna go write a short story that has nothing to do with Rupert Murdoch bankrolled chaos agents. 

Oh. And, by the way. MY sources? MY sources say that this shit is even deeper than I thought. My sources tell me that shit really is coming. 


Now, tell me - am I lying?

- Soos

P.S. - There are literally people out there right now that are worried about having their names mentioned in association with Team Patriot because they are afraid of increased harassment. That's how much damage these people have done to the liberal movement online. It pisses me off, and it should piss you off, too. Having said that, if you are one of those people that has been mentioned here and you want me to remove your name/picture/info from this blog then contact me on twitter or email me at and I will do so. However, I urge you not to. Your fear of reprisal for speaking your truth is exactly why you should speak it. All I want to do is help. 

Either way, my DMs are always open. 


Saturday, December 9, 2017

Dozy or Deza? Part 3

Welcome to the latest installment of "Dozy or Deza?". This series, which was supposed to be one short post, is my attempt to catalog all of the harassment perpetrated over social media by Louise Mensch and her comrades.

Now, I want to talk about some questions that came up today as I was writing another piece - Who are these people? What makes them credible? Where is their information coming from? And why are people listening to them?

First up - Louise.

Who is Louise Mensch?

There are many, many profiles available that tell you who Louise Mensch is, where she's been, and what she's done, but what's really important? What does the American left need to know about her? How about, for starters, that she is adamantly not left wing and vehemently not a liberal?

"We in Britain look at the disaster of Angela Merkel saying 'come one, come all' and what that's actually meant, is that there are no real refugees. 
The criminal attacks, the massacres that were carried out in Brussels and in Belgium, carried out by young men who have mostly just abandoned their women folk and abandoned their families. Young men of fighting age who’ve literally stormed into Europe and pretty much taken it over."
- Louise Mensch, March 2016. 

Anti-Trump Putin. Because she, supposedly, hates Putin and because Trump ISN'T RIGHT WING ENOUGH FOR HER. 

“My personal objection to Donald Trump,” she said in her interview with Grove, “is that he has said very racist things, is lying to the voters, and is a fairly radical left-wing Democrat.” 
- Louise Mensch, May 2016.

It's not that she thinks the GOP's policies and practices are racist. She just doesn't think Trump is the right vehicle. She also has absolutely no real issues with racism because, as I will show you, she has absolutely no issues with associating with racists. All she's ever done is feed the left-wing anti-Trump resistance absolute bullshit. She wrote one good article and she's been using that credibility to spread disinformation ever since. Hmm... Who else did that? I can't remember. I'm trying to think of someone that traded the good will that they earned to spread disinformation and disorder to further Russian interests. Drawing a blank...

I don't know...

I'm sure it'll come to me sooner or later.


Something else that left-wingers might find interesting is the fact that Louise, at the time a Member of Parliament, once said during an interview that she had taken so many drugs during her youth that they had damaged her brain and had "long-term mental health" effects. Now, I'm not one to shit on anyone for taking drugs, I'm high right now, but I think it's worth noting that a leading conspiracy theorist who claims to have sources no one else has and sees Russians hiding in every dark corner admittedly has mental issues. 

Louise was elected in 2010 as MP for Corby and East Northamptonshire. Interestingly, it's been claimed just recently that David Cameron made some sort of deal with Rupert Murdoch to get The Sun on his side for the general election. Guess who else Cameron had the support of during said election? Why, Louise Mensch of course.

I think it's probably also worth noting that before she left her post as an MP, citing an inability to juggle her duties as an MP with taking care of her family, her most notable clash with another MP, Tom Watson, was over his branding Rupert Murdoch "not fit" to run a company over the News of the World phone hacking scandal. Rupert Murdoch.

I wonder, does Murdoch still fund her? She's been on his side for close to a decade. Other people have been asking this question for a while and, if we're talking about guilt via association... I mean... Rupert Murdoch is essentially Emperor Palpatine. He even fucking looks like him. By the way, you ever notice how evil men look sickly, as if everything underneath their skin is putrid and rotten? It oozes out from around the eyes. It's not just age, either. Plenty of old people that look warm and friendly.

I didn't make any of those, either.

Oh, and Louise's husband Peter seems to be a big fan of Russian disinformation as well. Go figure.


But I'm sure that's probably just a coincidence too, right? Haters will say it's photoshopped. 

In all my research I've found NOTHING that gives this woman credibility. I've found absolutely no reasons whatsoever for anyone on the left to ever listen to anything she says. Period. She's been a right wing troll for her entire time in the spotlight and she continues to be. In my opinion, she's working for Rupert Murdoch to discredit the left by making us all look like loons with her "everyone is a Russian agent" shtick. I wrote a piece a while back about how racists tell people of color that they call everyone racist in order to discredit actual claims of racism. It's called simply "If Everything Is Racist Then Nothing Is." and I think the title explains it pretty clearly. This is the same tactic, by the same people, for the same reason. Don't fall for it. Mensch is not, and has never been, an ally of the left. She'll tell you as much if you ask her.

Oh, and don't think that paying her makes you immune. Remember, guilty by association. Seemingly, the only person that can pay her not to attack them is named Rupert.

If you subscribe to her philosophy of guilt by association then I don't understand how you listen to her in the first place. This woman condemns everyone from respected journalists and scholars to lowly bloggers and tweeters if they've ever spoken to, looked at, or smelled a Russian while she herself is associated with some of the most disgusting and despicable people that the world has to offer.

She's not an ally. She's not a journalist. She's not the resistance. She doesn't have intel sources.

And, just for fun, here's a bunch of times that Louise & Co were wrong and dumb to play me off but I'll see ya soon. There's more to come.

- Soos

Friday, December 8, 2017

Dozy or Deza? Part 2

Welcome to the second installment of "Dozy or Deza?". The more that I've written the more I've realized that this isn't going to be something that I can wrap up neatly in two posts. This is going to be a series just for the amount of data that I have to unpack there's absolutely no way. Hopefully I can do it in three. Probably I'll be writing about it for weeks. Either way is fine by me, honestly. Whatever it takes to get this information sorted and disseminated.

Let's kick off this second installment with an obvious display of crazy!

Mensch and crew have been attacking Sarah Kendzior and Andrea Chalupa for quite sometime and I was really curious as to why. Both of them have been labeled Putin trolls/Kremlin trolls/Russian assets/etc for a while by the Scooby Gang.

But, again, why? Let's look, shall we?

This seems to be the moment that Sarah Kendzior became a Russian asset. How'd she do that? Well, it could be that she and Malcolm Nance get invited to MSNBC when Louise doesn't, as Mensch seems to be FIERCELY jealous of both of them, or it could be that she defended someone else from Louise Mensch's baseless accusations.

Note that Louise knows that Casey Michel is a Russian agent working for a Russian front but doesn't even know that he's a he and hasn't read the article that she is attacking. Again, where are those USIC/NSA contacts? Can't she just tag the FBI into the thread for confirmation? Btw, just scanning Intersection's TL tells me that they're not pumping pro-putin propaganda. It could be argued that this doesn't disqualify them, Putin loves to play both sides, but they're definitely not overtly pro-Putin.

As for Casey...

Casey totally looks like a Russian agent to me, bro.

What about Andrea Chalupa? What did Andrea do to be labeled a Russian asset by the Scooby Gang? Well, it's real complicated and might take a while to explain...


She liked a tweet. That's all it takes for you, and your followers, to be blocklisted, labeled as Russian trolls, mercilessly harassed, and mass reported. Once you're on one of their "lists" you'll find no shortage of people to accuse you of outlandish shit to the raucous applause of Team Patriot. I mean, what even is this?

What is "stenographic espionage"? Well, it's not a thing. Stenography is the practice of concealing data within other data. So she's saying that Robin Brenizer is an actual spy using cryptography over twitter? And she's being investigated by the government... But she's still just chilling on twitter doing her resistance thing... Which is a front for her FSB thing...

Don't worry, though, because we're all in the same boat.

Without even trying to unpack the crazy in that second tweet, how does she know who's being investigated for espionage? Is the FBI just leaking information on open investigations to random civilians now? If I DM the FBI will they give me that info? Who is her contact? I especially like that she tagged the NSA in. They probably had no idea that Robin was a "stenographic spy" until this cat lady @ed them. Take note, everyone - if you have ever used the hashtag #BlockedByChiefCovfefe Mueller is coming for you.

It seems that a lot of this information has come from Chris Nethery, a man who thinks I too am a Russian spy. I'm in good company, however, because he also thinks Jay-Z, Beyonce, Tupac, and Carl Sagan were/are also Russian assets and that's not even half of the list.

Go Team Vladimir!

Their harassment of Robin, AKA Puppymnkey, has been ongoing, vicious, and extremely personal. Which I thought was really strange as she's always been nice to everyone I've seen her interact with. While none of the tweeters I talk to are Jesus, nobody is perfect, she's certainly never harassed me and I haven't witnessed her harassing anyone. Remember though, to Team Patriot harassment = Telling people the truth about them and what they're doing.

Here's Baba Yaga, Mensch's racist little crony that likes to say the n word every chance he gets and then deny that tweets you can see actually exist, threatening Robin's followers while Louise cheers him on because Menschites love to push that guilt by association.

And just for fun here's a ss of Chris Nethery using Robin's photo as his twitter profile pic to troll her. 

Why? Well, because she knew something that most of us have figured out already - That Claude Taylor is absolutely full of shit.

Full of shit in March -

Full of shit in May -

Full of shit in November -

Meanwhile, people that think he's really got information are paying for him to cruise around in a cartoon van. Seems legit. Oh, and look at that - He's asking for money again.

Here are some other examples of Team Pillowfort's harassment.

Here she is calling @Iamwood79's wife a fat Russian mail order bride.

A - That ain't his wife.

B - That's pretty fucked up for whoever that is she's talking about.

Here's some more great examples of Louise and the Team Pillowfort crew harassing Wooderson and claiming that he is harassing them.

His wife's name isn't Cara. More failure from Louise's many USIC sources?

And let's not forget Broadsword6, a close ally of Mensch, member of "Team Patriot", and stealer of valor, regarding Woody's wife. 

Here she is actively inciting the harassment of two other users; Eric Rosenwald, a journalist from Arizona that exposed Broadsword6 as a liar, and Lard of Dorkness, an account I'm not familiar with but which seems to be just your everyday anti-Trump twitter user.

Here's one of her cronies posting a whole list of users that they intend to harass. They like to connect people that aren't connected, the guilt by association play again, so that they can claim one act is really the act of a group. I.E. if I dox someone and you follow me then you are part of a group that doxxes people. Even if you had nothing to do with it and had no knowledge of the actual event. Thus making you fair game for harassment and mass reporting. No one is an individual actor. Everyone is part of a shadowy Russian funded group that is out to get "Team Patriot".

Most of those people are solid follows, btw.

But that's exactly what a Russian spy would tell you.

And I have to be a Russian spy because I'm questioning #TeamPatriot, eh?

Team Patriot likes to pretend that they're under attack while they are actually the ones doing the attacking. That's why there are receipts of their harassment but not of them being harassed. It fuels their spy game rhetoric to play like people are constantly after them for "speaking the truth" even though they aren't and they don't.

It's my opinion that Louise and her group are grifters, plain and simple, and anyone that they attack should be viewed as an ally.  This whole thing is about splitting the resistance, grabbing as much cash as they can, and doing the bidding of the right. They're making this shit up as they go along, citing anonymous military and intelligence sources that they couldn't possibly have access to, and they've managed to dupe a lot of good people doing it. In reality though, they're all just playing at spies.

I've worked with SOF. Not in any big way, I was just a grunt, but they were around. You know what they tell you when you ask them questions about sensitive shit while you're in uniform and working together? Nothing. Obviously. They look at you like you're stupid for asking and continue doing what they're doing. That's why we call them the quiet professionals. They're not running to twitter to blab to Louise fucking Mensch and her cartoon spy gang.

I've said this corny shit before because it's true - we really are stronger together. Why else would they be trying so very hard to divide us? My hope is that laying all this out in order and in plain English will help some people see the light.

So this was supposed to be part two of two but, dude, there is so much of this shit that I need to do another post. Maybe even another after that. Honestly, I could write a fucking book with what I have right now and more keeps rolling in. The information that was shared recently by @Fraude1, for example, regarding Counterchekist being a veteran that served 13 (or is it 15?) years in the Army and somehow managed to get stabbed.  

The only guy I ever saw get stabbed in the Army was stabbed by accident by another soldier and I was in the infantry for 7 years. It's not like we're fixing bayonets these days. Then again, I wasn't secret military intelligence special forces.


Join me again tomorrow for part 3 of "Dozy or Deza?".

- Soos