Saturday, November 12, 2016

Pepe Earth - with David Attenborough.

The Twittersphere.

Host to all manner of creatures, the Twittersphere is a strange and wondrous place. Here can be had all sorts of experiences. From hearty laughs with friends to cordial chats with celebrities. It has toppled governments, shaped elections, and decided the winners of gameshows. For some, it is an information super highway linking them to the entire world at light speed so that they may gather knowledge for the good of all mankind. For other, lesser creatures, it is simply an outlet for their angst. A way to work through their personal issues without being personal. Anonymity, to these base lifeforms, is the only way that they can truly be themselves as, in the real world, larger and more powerful beings would surely crush them.

One such denizen of this world is "The Pepe".

Seeking out those it deems to be weaker, the Pepe will attack indiscriminately. Largely a pack animal, due to it's fragile nature, the Pepe charges headlong into a fray with reckless abandon. This generally works for the Pepe. 

Sometimes, however, the Pepe makes a grave mistake. 

This is one such time.

Welcome to Pepe Earth.

First, the Pepes are engaged.

Enraged by the challenge, the Pepes attempt to show physical dominance. It's perceived prey wastes no time in asserting it's own prowess. This causes the Pepe to signal other Pepes to help as he realizes, too late, that he is outmatched.

Then a rule of the internet is stated.

The Pepes then respond in typical fashion and the rule is restated.

His companion is sensing that he is fading and attempts, quite unsuccessfully, to strike.

I hope you have enjoyed this glimpse into the Twittersphere and this revealing look into that strange creature, the Pepe.

Please join us again, here, on Pepe Earth.

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