Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Liar Reich

I'm tired of hearing white people complaining about losing. I'm sick of being told that the white man is the new oppressed minority. I definitely do not have the stomach for it when it comes out of the mouths of frauds like Richard Spencer. Please tell us more about the plight of the young white man growing up in the Preston Hollow area of Dallas, Texas. I'm sure it must have been tough living in a neighborhood that currently houses the likes of George W. Bush and Mark Cuban. I think Cuban is Jewish though so maybe that means Preston Hollow has more diversity now then when I last saw it.

I wish that the angry and poor white people supporting phonies like this would realize that they are being conned. He's using their hatred, their fear, their xenophobia, and, honestly, their gullibility to control them. They see him up there spouting off half-baked philosophies and flawed ideologies that they want, need, to believe and they fall in line. Even throwing him the Nazi salute.

Speaking of which, how the fuck can you claim to celebrate European heritage while throwing Nazi salutes and waving Nazi flags? I'm not sure that these guys could find Europe on a map let alone speak in any length about it's history or their connection to it. Trust me when I say that the majority of Europe neither claims nor wants to claim you. They've done that dance. They didn't like it. I'd also be very interested to see where these men trace their European roots to. Do they trace them at all or do they just say to themselves in earnest "I'm white. I must be European."? It should be a hard sell for people that think the ancient Egyptians were also white and that Jesus was an Aryan. Could you not be a relative of Tutankhamen? Maybe you're the last Scion. Hail Caesar and all that.

That these people are lying to themselves with the same gusto that their leaders spew untruths goes completely without saying but I'll say it anyway. Just because I have the time and the hotness in my belly. You know, the one you get when you need to shit urgently or possibly throw up? Then surprise! You're doing both. I'm doing both all over the Alt-Right as often as I can until they go away.

Their ideas are stupid. Their logic is flawed. Their leaders are frauds. Their knowledge of history is shoddy. Their haircuts are dumb, they have weak chins, and, I hear, their wives enjoy big giant throbbing black cocks. A group of flailing cucks, one and all. Pigs. Swine. Cowards.

Fuck everything they stand for and, if you stand with them, fuck you, too.

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