Tuesday, November 22, 2016

If Everything Is Racist Then Nothing Is.

You'll see and hear a lot of the same things from people right now. One of the biggest phrases I see a lot is "You think everything is racist.". This is usually said right after you call someone out for being racist. They do this to marginalize you and destroy the credibility of your statement. It's complete bullshit and should not be tolerated. Racism exists. We all know this. It exists in many forms and in many people. Race relations in Amerikkka have always been shaky, at best. We live in a country that committed genocide against it's native people, enslaved it's black and Chinese people, locked it's Japanese people in internment camps, that continues to suppress it's minority community's votes, and is now talking about deporting 11 million Hispanic immigrants and forcing Muslims to register. We need to talk about racism.

Call it what it is.

If you're a white person that is spouting this "You think everything is racist" bullshit then, guess what? You're supporting racism and further damaging race relations at a time when we do so at our peril. Look around and realize that your apathy is allowing for the rise of fascist rhetoric and the loss of basic human rights for your friends and neighbors.

If you're a POC and you aren't calling out racism WHENEVER you hear it then, guess what? You are supporting racism and further damaging race relations. This shit cannot and should not be tolerated in our society. We've come to goddamn far to be taking these huge steps backwards. I refuse to go back to a time when a white man thought it acceptable to call me a nigger in the street. You should, too.

Making America great again means stepping back to the 1960s and undoing the entire civil rights movement? It means leaping back to the 1940s and one of the most shameful things we've ever done as a nation? It means deporting millions of people that DO contribute to our economy, both in tax revenue and in purchasing power? It means undoing LGBT rights? It means ignoring the RIGHT of Natives to defend water they depend on to live? It means allowing fascist hate groups to march around spewing disgusting rhetoric about white supremacy?

I don't think so.

America IS great because it's a melting pot. Because we are supposed to unite as Americans in times of need. This is a time of need. Do not let a small group divide us.

I don't hate white people, and I know that most white people don't hate me, but some of them do. Acknowledging that is not the cause of racism but the cure for it. Be my brother, respect my opinion, understand my point of view, and I will do the same. Don't dismiss me because my opinion makes you uncomfortable.

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