Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy birthday Jesus.

A Christmas message.

As we all are, hopefully, enjoying this time with our families I just wanted to send some love out to everyone. Remember that today is supposed to be about other people and not what you get or want. You're meant to be giving smiles and not just getting them.

Atheists... We know. Jesus was born in the summer, if he existed at all, and it's not really his birthday. We get it. Still, when someone says it's Jesus's birthday we do not require you to correct them. Give it a rest for one day? It's fucking Christmas.

Christians... Stop short-circuiting when people say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas". Not everyone celebrates Christmas. Why not just be happy that it's the time of year where people feel like being nice and not be so focused on their words? After all, it's Jesus's birthday.

Conservatives... Can we give it a rest on Obama being a Muslim for one day? Even if he were, which he isn't, Jesus would have accepted him as a friend regardless. I thought you guys were trying to be like Jesus. What would he do?

Liberals... Take a break from Trump. Eat some turkey. Drink some alcohol. Hug your families. Hope. Maybe we're wrong about him (we aren't) and he'll surprise us (he won't). It'll be good for your soul to get away from that argument for a day. I'm going to try myself but I'm sure I'll end up being a hypocrite before the day is out.

Anyone that is combating racism and bigotry... Do not stop. Especially today. Always call it out. Always stomp it out. Apathy is the warm, dark place in which the deadly fungus of racism grows.

Racists and bigots... Fuck you.

Merry Christmas to all and keep up the good fight.

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