Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The Myth Of "White Genocide".

Let's discuss this fabled "White Genocide" that everyone is buzzing about right now.

What is "White genocide"?

Wikipedia states:

White genocide is a white nationalist conspiracy theory that mass immigration, integration, miscegenation, low fertility rates and abortion are being promoted in predominantly white countries to deliberately turn them minority-white and hence cause white people to become extinct through forced assimilation.

Kudos to Wikipedia for calling a spade a spade.

Let's dive on into this cesspool.

So, the theory is pretty concisely explained above. There is a conspiracy, most White supremacists believe, that is being perpetrated by THE JEWS, to make the White man extinct. This is being done with "Anti-White" policies instituted by the government with the intent of destroying  "White European" culture. That these people have no clue what "White European" culture is, is seemingly unimportant. "Never mind that I can't quote Shakespeare," they will say, "He was White and so I can claim credit for his works.". White supremacists often prattle on about the many achievements of White men as evidence of their superiority while they sit in their mother's basement trolling twitter. To be fair though, if your only achievement in this world was that you were born a certain race you might be a bitter racist, too.

Any criticism directed at White people is then branded as "Anti-White". Any White person that denounces racism is a "race traitor". As are White men and women that date/marry outside of their race. "Race traitors" are the lowest of the low to the White supremacist. A scourge to be shunned and shamed. How could they ever side with a *blank* person against a White? They are obviously a tool of the Jew conspirators and thus a much more detestable enemy.

I think that part of the reason that White supremacists hate "race traitors" so much is that a White man arguing against them destroys half, if not all, of their argument. How can they immediately feel superior to this White skinned aggressor? They can't post crime statistics or median IQ charts. They can't yell racial slurs. They can't use any of the approved go to insults at all. Invariably, liberals are now being met with the same hatred that was previously reserved only for people of color. "Liberal" is the new "nigger".

Indeed, even when I argue with them they tend to flounder. Clearly, I'm educated, I'm intelligent, I'm articulate, and reasonable. I don't threaten them with violence. Typos are rare. I have a dad, I take care of my kids, and I served my country honorably in combat. That last one especially sticks in their craw. A black VETERAN?! AND A LIBERAL?! Most of the time they respond by demanding that I prove my service and calling me a fake vet. "Stolen valor!", they cry. My service cucks them. Fuck 'em. I know where I've been.

I digress. "White genocide".

What is "genocide"?

Genocide is defined in the dictionary as:

Are people deliberately massacring Whites in the streets? Clearly not. White people make up 62% of the population in this country. Any attack on White people as a group would obviously fail.  White supremacists know this. Troll one and bring up the idea of a "race war". They will laugh and tell you they welcome such a thing. Why? Because there are more of them and they'd win. Yet, they fear the "genocide" of White people? I think not.

Genocide is a hard hitting word. It shocks people, especially stupid people, into action. I would not be surprised if there are militia groups gearing up at this very moment to actively combat this so called "White genocide". If they're fighting actual "genocide" what is the moral limit of their actions?

One of the first men to coin the term "White genocide" was David Eden Lane. Lane was a member of a group called "The Order". Denver, Colorado radio talk show host Alan Berg caught the attention of the group with his "often-abrasive on-air persona.". His radio show was intended to confront the "anti-Semitism latent in the area's conservative population". This turned out to be his downfall, however, as it ended up putting him on the group's death list. At around 9:30 pm, June 18th, 1984, Berg exited his VW Bug into a hail of 9mm gunfire. The illegally converted fully automatic Ingram MAC-10 riddled him before he took a step. He was shot 12 times and died on his back in the driveway of his own home, his feet barely out of his car.

This is the result of Lane's rhetoric.

Lane was quoted after Berg's death as saying, "The only thing I have to say about Alan Berg is, regardless of who did it, he has not mouthed his hate-whitey propaganda from his 50,000-watt zionist pulpit for quite a few years". Pure hate.

Lane died in prison. Good riddance.

These men are inciting violence against people for imagined violence against them. No one is perpetrating "White genocide". No one is advocating "White genocide". The very term is a smokescreen for White supremacy.

An immigrant that comes to the United States isn't doing so to destroy the White race. A White man that marries a Black woman isn't doing so to lessen the number of White children born into the world. A gay White man isn't gay because he wants his race to become extinct. White women do not get abortions to stop the advancement of White people. Yet this is the narrative that they are attempting to create. A narrative designed to instigate hate, fear, and violence. Pushing back against this narrative is essential for the survival of anyone that isn't a White supremacist.

Don't fall for the lies. The results could be, and have been, deadly.