Saturday, August 12, 2017

Are they Nazis yet, America?

Three dead.

Nineteen injured.

This is the damage that white supremacy did to a town to protect white people from minorities. All three dead people are white.

Heather Heyer was run down in the street by an angry young white man that probably felt that her presence, her very existence, was a threat to his own. So he hit her with his car at forty miles per hour for crossing the street.

Pilots Lt. Jay Cullen, 48, of Midlothian, and Berke M.M. Bates, of Quinton, died in a helicopter crash while trying to observe the violence from the air. I'm sure many will argue that they aren't the Alt-Right's fault because they weren't directly killed by Nazis. My argument? You blamed BLM for ANY and ALL violence and ANY and ALL deaths that took place at their protests. This was your protest. By your logic these are your bodies.

I've said, and keep saying, that this violent white genocide rhetoric is, and has been, deadly. I take no pleasure in being right about it. To be honest, I do not feel like I'm saying anything particularly shocking. Violent rhetoric begets violence. Chanting for dead cops is wrong. Chanting Nazi slogans, and throwing Nazi salutes, is wrong. Showing up at protests armed, and intending to fight, is wrong.

The president refusing to denounce them will only embolden them. Be prepared for the Alt-Right to turn the Charlottesville TERRORIST into a folk hero, don't be surprised when the memes start showing up ridiculing the victims, and watch closely as his act inspires copycat acts at other protests. They're fanatics. As dangerous as any other terrorist group and moreso to the U.S for one simple, and obvious, reason - THEY ARE HERE. Not only that, they're now all but state sponsored by the Trump administration. Tools for their soft fascist coup. And why not? That's what Trump's boss does, after all.

I hope that today has cleared some things up for those that were still on the fence.

The Alt-Right are Neo Nazis. Trump is a Fascist. Trump is using Neo Nazis, because they're his base, to attack his opposition. This is just the beginning and it's only going to get worse. What are we waiting for?


Not me, baby.

Put your fucking boots on.

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