Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Letters From Banned-ingham Jail.


Twitter just suspended my main account for alleged "targeted harassment". No word on who I am targeting, because I'm not targeting anyone, and there likely won't be. Twitter's mismanagement continues.

Of course it's their platform, and they can do whatever they want, but how ridiculous is it that I'm being banned for "targeted harassment" while people that have actually targeted and harassed me with multiple accounts for months and months continue to tweet with impunity? Reporting did nothing for me. Celebrities harass people over multiple accounts and incite others to do the same. They do nothing about it. People threaten my life and promote genocide. They do nothing about it.

Yet, here I am. It's ok to ban me. I'm a nobody. I don't bring them ad revenue.

And for "targeted harassment"? I asked them who I was supposedly harassing and this question was met with silence. As it should have been because the answer is obviously no one. I've never "targeted" anyone. Hell, I forget about most of these people the moment they leave a thread and I don't follow them. Why would I need to "target" anyone? They come to me. Every time.

It changes nothing. My twitter account was only created to serve this blog and my Instagram. That was it's entire purpose. Somewhere along the way it became a vehicle for social justice, as did my blog, and that's when I started getting locked out and suspended. The conclusion I draw from this is that Twitter is an unfriendly place for those that fight white supremacy. Ergo, twitter supports white supremacy.


Still, I'll be around.

- Soos

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